Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 5

Coastal Property Insurance We help owners of coastal and non-coastal property navigate the ever-changing property insurance marketplace with great success. Our relationships with some of the largest carriers and wholesale brokers in the country enables us to secure...

Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 4

Falls From Cargo Tankers ASSE- American Society of Safety Engineers Fall injuries remain among the most disabling injuries in the US. Research done by Liberty Mutual in 2014 revealed falls, on the same level and to a lower level, are two of the top four most disabling...

Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 3

Workers COMPENSATION, ITS Future in Florida As many of you already know, there has been a tremendous amount attention paid to the worker’s compensation laws in our state over the last year.  The Florida Supreme Court recently found the decisions in 3 prior cases...

Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 2

5 Reasons You Should Have Cyber Liability Insurance By Minda Zetlin Imagine for a moment that your company has come under attack by a skilled hacker. The hacker has accessed your customers’ names and contact information–and worse–your...

Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 1

Time For Key Person is now As business people, we can hardly stand it when key people go on vacation.  What if they never came back? When was the last time you thought about the implications to your business if a key person was lost?  More importantly, what did you do...